A Short Introduction
I am more familiar with the visual art of Dada and Surrealism
than with the literary works in those movements. I enjoy the artwork of Dali, Duchamp, and
Magritte, as well as the photography of Man Ray. I find Max Ernst’s Une Semaine
De Bonte fascinating. However, I haven’t taken any classes on these visual
artists, so my knowledge is almost entirely self-taught and surface-level. My
second major (along with literature) was film, so I have studied the films of
Bunuel (L’Age d’Or, The Exterminating Angel, The Discreet Charm of the
Bourgeoisie, Un Chien Andalou, etc.), as well as early avant-garde cinema such
as Ballet Mécanique and films by Hans Richter (Dreams That Money Can Buy). I
decided to take this class specifically because I have little knowledge of
literary Surrealism, Dada, or Oulipo. I have read some excerpts from Breton’s Manifesto of
Surrealism in a film class. I have also read some poetry from Mallarmé, as
well as “Crisis in Poetry,” and am familiar with the famous declarations
attributed to him: “to name is to destroy, but to suggest is to create” and
“form is meaning.” Beyond these brief encounters—and perhaps a few that have
slipped my mind—I come into this class with very little knowledge or background
in the concepts, theories, and writers of these important movements.
Alfred Jarry’s Ubu Rex (1896)
Jarry’s over-the-top slapstick humor,
verbal barbs, and political commentary remind me in part of Kleist’s The Broken
Jug and Gogol’s Government Inspector, although Jarry’s humor is far more vulgar
and crude. Like Kleist and Gogol before him, Jarry revels in mocking the
absurdities of political incompetence and the farcical extremes to which
government leaders take even the smallest
amount of power they might possess. As in Kleist’s play, names and descriptions
carry obvious connotations (“Captain Sexcrement,” “the phynancial horse,”
etc.), while certain scenes are highly symbolic of characters’ political
foibles. In Act III Scene 7, for example, Ubu prepares himself for war by
donning an overwhelming amount of armor: “I’ll soon have so much junk weighing
on me that I won’t be able to walk if they chase me” (36). He literally envelops
himself in material wealth--a sign of his own cowardice--that ultimately adds to
his burden instead of offering the protection he desires. Likewise, Ma Ubu’s
observation that Ubu’s “[phynancial] horse could never carry you now” is a
brilliant send-up of the trap in which so many world leaders find
themselves: riding the nearly-dead money horse until the beast's back breaks, never
acknowledging that the financial waste that brought them to power will also be the cause of their downfall once the money dries up.
Ubu seems to me to be the reverse of the German stock character
Hanswurst (a type of Teutonic Falstaff) who appears in one of my favorite plays, Ludwig Tieck's Puss-in-Boots (link goes to Act III, Scene 3, in which characters discuss the "play-within-a-play," also titled Puss-in-Boots). Although both characters have inflated egos, Ubu is far more crude and disgusting than Hanswurst. Whereas Hanswurst, at least in Tieck’s incarnation, is performing a jester’s role with a nod-and-wink to
the audience, Ubu is unaware of his bumbling,“sad
imbecile”(68) persona. I would argue that this important difference relates directly to the characters' differing social
classes and how audiences are expected to respond to both. Hanswurst is a man of the people, so his coarse
behavior in German drama is earthy and ironic. When interacting with (or mocking) social superiors, his daftness seems almost eloquent. Ubu, on the other hand, is one of the “venal, brutal bourgeoisie,” as David Copelin writes in
his postscript, so his antics in Jarry's play are characterized as blindly stupid. When Ubu mocks King Wencelas or the financiers, the joke is on Ubu himself. Ma Ubu's sly asides function almost as a chorus for what the audience is thinking. We are not meant to relate to the bourgeoisie foolishness of Ubu or to forgive his antics, even on a comic level. Unlike previous theatrical fools like Hanswurst or Falstaff, Ubu's crudeness does not endear; it alienates.